About Us
Managed Care to Get Well and Stay Healthy
CalViva Health is the Local Initiative Plan for Fresno, Kings and Madera Counties. CalViva Health is under the Medi-Cal Managed Care Program. It is sponsored by the Regional Health Authority, which offers local access, local control and local responsive health care.
Our Mission
CalViva Health is dedicated to improving access to care and providing quality health care to families in the Fresno, Kings, and Madera County area. We provide the right care at the right place and the right time.
Medi-Cal Managed Care (MCMC) is a system to provide Medi-Cal beneficiaries quality care and helps them stay healthy. MCMC health plans help beneficiaries find doctors, pharmacies and health education programs within the managed care network.

Managed care plans offer: Help to coordinate care, Referrals to specialists, Nurse advice lines and Customer services centers.
The three-county region has an estimated 450,000 Medi-Cal eligible patients that will be enrolled in either a regional Medi-Cal managed care health plan or a commercial plan, creating one of the largest Medi-Cal managed care systems in the state.
The Regional Health Authority also creates infrastructure to take advantage of opportunities that may arise from local, state or national health care coverage efforts.

Quality Care
CalViva Health is proud to have successfully completed the NCQA-Certified HEDIS® Compliance Audit™. By undergoing an audit, CalViva Health has been certified as having a higher level of integrity to HEDIS data, and in recognition of our achievement has been awarded with a Compliance Audit seal!
NCQA is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality. NCQA accredits and certifies a wide range of health care organizations and manages the evolution of HEDIS®, the performance measurement tool used by more than 90 percent of the nation’s health plans. HEDIS is the measurement tool used by the nation’s health plans to evaluate their performance in terms of clinical quality and customer service.
CalViva Health is committed to quality improvement and is proud to be recognized for this successful audit achievement. #CalVivaHealthCares
For more information, visit the NCQA website (www.ncqa.org), which contains information to help consumers, employers, and others make more informed health care choices.